Dude, where’s my country?

!!! Nathan Rhys Kibre !!!
November 25, 2008, 22:30
Filed under: Family

Wee Nathan was born on the 18th November, and was 9lbs, 20″.  So far, he’s a mellow little fellow 🙂  We got to meet him and see Sue, Nick and Wini at the weekend.  Everyone seems to be very chipper!  Congratulations, Kibres 🙂

Lookin' chipper!

5 days of Nathan and lookin' chipper!

Wini and her bruthaaaaa (and fathaaaaa)!!!

Wini and her bruthaaaaa (and fathaaaaa)!!!

“Back” to School
August 29, 2008, 12:05
Filed under: Family

Allie all dolled up pin his uniform, with proud Tobe.

Allie’s first day in Grade 1 was yesterday. I packed his lunch, and we shipped off on a 10 minute scoot to his new elementary school “Bishop”.  We’re not sure whether we like the school yet, but it could be because the Swiss system is completely different.  It doesn’t have the best ‘rating’.  When we enrolled him, we were told he should wear a uniform of dark blue pants and a white or red polo shirt.  I would say maybe 10% of the pupils had a uniform on, which immediately singles out the ‘goodygoodies’.  I’d also like my $50 back too, if it’s not going to be enforced.  There was no map of the school grounds with the class list, so we wandered around looking for his class for a long time- along with some other parents.  The good thing is his teacher.  I immediately liked her- she made eye contact and shook our hands.  She’s young and smiley, and seems quite laid back.  We’ll give it time to settle before we cast ‘definite’ judgement.

Emma and Allie ready to scoot off.