Dude, where’s my country?

The only reason to blog is Halloween apparently….
November 6, 2010, 20:03
Filed under: Uncategorized


My bro Jamie, his wife Susan and their children Archie (3) and Evie (6 mos) all lugged themselves over (well, J & S did the lugging) from Scotland to see us.  It was a real treat 🙂

Day 1: plenty of sunshine to reset the clock, and scateboarding ofcourse!

Toby had to show Archie the chickens, and the giant hole he and the neighbour boys have been working on.

Still some time for relaxing.

Looking good, all things considered.

Archie helps gather pumpkins for Halloween festivities.

Evie! Yum!

Let the pumpkin evisceration begin!

Poor Jamie. Heh.

Top- Susan, left-Emma, Right-Ally

Jamie. In so many ways.

Toby. Scares me.

Toby was something like a jawa, with bike lights for eyes. Ally was a 'mad man'. Entirely his own invention, and he started off with the blue tunic thing on his head. Walter wore his 'enjoy satan' t-shirt.

Archie got over tired and couldn't make it to trickortreating (as a Power Ranger), so JnS took hiim round the block the next morning and brought him back for some candy. Little guy!

found time for a farewell fondue.

We did so much more- Monterey and aquarium, Big Sur (in the pouring rain), soccer games, JnS went to SF.  I kept forgetting my camera, but I do have vid.  Seeing about downloading it.

It was so lovely to see them all.  What a quick, awesome trip. Sniff…..

Archie: say “awesome, dude”!!!!!

2 Comments so far
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What a great visit! I can’t believe you guys are STILL having fondue. Did you bring the oil back with you to heat underneath? I don’t see anyone dipping their bread into kirsch first. Did I teach you anything?

Comment by Kim

Oh you betcha! Trader joes has a good Gruyere, so it’s well worth it. If only they had vacherin too…. I just use one of those fuel things for the chafing dishes- you know the pink jelly in a tin? It’s perfect. We came very close to dipping in kirsch, but don’t worry, the wine consumed more than made up for it! Anyway, I’m saving it for when we fondue you again!

Comment by fretfulporpentine

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