Dude, where’s my country?

Kings Canyon
June 19, 2010, 22:15
Filed under: Uncategorized

Right after school ended, we took a wee vacation to our favourite National Park- Kings Canyon and Sequoia.  It didn’t disappoint.

DAY1: Walked to Hume Lake- where one can swim when it’s not baltic.  The dam below was built at the beginning of the 20th century for logging.   The arch design is unique and strong.

Dam at Hume Lake

Boys at the end of the bridge to the dam.

We stayed in ‘rustic cabins’, exactly like camping, except for the cabin, with beds (harder than our air mattress I’ll say) and electricity.  We cooked all our meals outside, and they tasted awesome (see below!).  Just up the hill was a patch of snow, where the boys spent a lot of time.  Children and snow… even a dirty little patch.  You don’;t want to know if they ate it… they’re still alive.

There was even a building to hide behind.

Part of the eating goodness- marshmallows!  Would you believe the boys had sickened themselves by the end of the trip.

The marshmallow throne.

For your delishy delight- breakfast 1: Snausages!!  In biscuit.

Little pouches of sausagy goodness.

And the chef of this delight:

Notice the attention to the job at hand.

DAY 2:

First stop: Boyden cavern.  The mountains are dotted with many caves, most of which are only accessible to spelunkers.  This was not one of those, but it was amazing.

Waiting for the guide to let us in.

Walter and a bunch of >20,000 year old calcite formations.

A view from outside of the cave, on the way down. The river is the Kings River.

Next stop: Roaring Falls.  Yes they did!

3 boys have a rest with a view.

Had to include T in a quiet moment.

Walter bought pen knives for the boys (with their names engraved on them) when they were born.  This was the trip to get them out and use them.  T was especially proud and showed his off (A was getting down to work whittling many pointy sticks).

Very sharp ofcourse.

More falls.  This time “Grizzly Falls”, which were more like Incredibly Wet Falls.  Everyone got rather wet.

Only time we needed raincoats on the trip.

I should have a separate post for all the wildlife. Firstly, lizards!  This one below was on the way down from the falls.  What’s funny about it is that it seemed tame, and was posing for us.  It ran up onto the log, looked around then ran down and back up again.  While I was taking buzzilions of photies, it just sat there looking at me.  I didn’t have a telephoto lense, so I had to get very close.

Yes, I'm gorgeous. Please photograph me.

Driving down from the falls, we passed through Yucca territory.  Those plants are huge, and they were all flowering, with huge flowers.

A and I are in front of a flower. The discussion was along the lines of "I will not sit on your knee, mother. You will fall off the wall, and go down hundreds of feet."

So that was the first couple of days.  Days 3-5 next time………

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